The Oracle | Primavera Risk (Pertmaster) plan options contains some of the critical elements needed to adjust the graphical user interface. The scheduling options tab will be used to make certain that imported files have the same options as the original scheduling tool. The plan options can be opened by click “Plan” in the menu bar and selecting “Plan Options.”
The date tab allows users to set the default date format for all screens in the Pertmaster interface. The date format drop-down has pre-defined date formats to choose. Many scheduling tools put a prefix for dates with constraints or actual starts and actual finishes. Users can turn off this feature if desired. The risk analyst may want to remove these features if they are copying and manipulating data in Microsoft Excel. The timescale on the Gantt chart can also be adjusted in this tab.
The time tab has settings for how the duration is displayed, such as whole days, hours, etc. Primavera Risk users can set their default hours per day and days per week in this section. The default start is entered in this section as well. The default finish is automatically populated based on the hours per day and the default start time.
The currency tab allows the risk analyst to setup a currency format to match any region of the world. The currency symbol is entered manually, as well as the decimal places, decimal symbol, and the thousands separator.
The first option is the preferences tab is to define whether entered values in the percent complete field will automatically calculate the remaining duration of an activity. If this item is not checked, then statusing the percent complete of a task will not calculate a new remaining duration.
The other options all relate to linking the probabilistic “most likely” field to the remaining duration, remaining units, or sub-resource amounts. Often risk analyses are done where it is assumed that the values in the schedule are always the most likely value for the three-point estimate. This requires a thorough review of the basis of estimate for durations or cost. Pertmaster can automatically link the remaining values to the most likely column if the schedule is truly considered to be scheduled to the most likely values.
The default task tab allows Pertmaster users to set the default values for a new task that is created. Users can edit the default ID format, description, remaining duration, WBS, OBS, calendar, priority, and percent complete calculation method. For example, a user could set all new activities to have an ID of ENG10 and increment each new activity by +10, a description of New Engineering Activity, a remaining duration of 20 days, and a 5 day work calendar if they desired. If the risk analyst does not edit this section, then the Primavera Risk defaults will be used. Users can then edit the activity after creation.
The scheduling options tab is one of the most important settings sections in the Primavera Risk product. Users are able to define how the CPM scheduling network is calculated by the scheduling engine. The scheduling options will be inherited from the original scheduling tool. If a planner has turned on progress overrides in Primavera P6, then Pertmaster will see this option upon import. The calendar used on the lag will be set based on the setting of the original scheduling tool as well. Many scheduling tools put the calendar for a lag on the same calendar as the predecessor, however this is not standard for all scheduling tools. This is important because putting a 7 day lag when the lag calendar is 5 days could create up to 11 calendar days of lag time, instead of the intended 7 calendar day lag.
The options in this section include retained logic versus progress override, lag calendar relationships, how to handle stretched tasks, how to handle an unlinked hammock, and options for calculating the critical path. All options should import from the original scheduling tool, however it is a best practice to always check the options before starting a Monte Carlo analysis.
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The PRC Enterprise Risk Register is a web-based risk management software solution which allows for the tracking of risk at the project and portfolio level. Audit logs for all risk updates and changes are available at the click of a button to aid with audits, claims and the flow of information. The power of the PRC Enterprise Risk Register is in the simplicity of the user interface, which is designed to navigate easily at both project and portfolio levels without compromising functionality or data. The PRC Enterprise Risk Register allows for mapping across project levels so the data can be reported at the portfolio level, even if the work, risk and organizational breakdown structures are not standardized.
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The PRC Enterprise Cost Risk Analysis is a customizable web-based solution for simulating estimate cost and determining cost contingency, cost drivers, and risk hotspots. The key to a good risk analysis is good inputs. The software cannot be a roadblock to success. Good risk software should be easy on the end user. Monte Carlo simulation is already a complex. The software should simplify the process.
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The PRC Enterprise Schedule Risk Analysis is a customizable web-based solution for simulating schedule duration and dates. At PRC Software, we believe that the key to good risk software is through good inputs and excellent user friendliness. A Monte Carlo simulation is already a complex. The software should not be complicated as well.
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PRC specializes in risk analysis, audit, and training. We have cross-industry experience in fields such as Aerospace & Defense, Oil & Gas, and Engineering & Construction. We believe that over-complicating the risk process often leads to wasted effort and poor results. Our goal is to "make it simple."
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